Amnesia Haze Royal Queen Seeds
Or it is a well-maintained plant growing just over a meter tall, to about 120cm.
She can be grown outdoors but will require hot weather like Australia, North Africa, and California, however may need to be grown in a greenhouse due to her long flower period.
It is one of our best-yielding cannabis strains, producing 70-80 g per plant with up to 650+- g per meter squared under a 600w light.
She can produce big outside, with full sun, reaching as much as 700g per plant.
However extra care should be taken outdoors as this is a sensitive plant, so problems with weather, bugs, or irrigation will harm your final harvest.
Yield and Growth Habit
The only downside with Amnesia haze is the long flower time required of 12 weeks.
Although this is high enough to make most commercial growers run for the hills, true cannabis connoisseurs will find the wait more than worth it.
Amnesia Haze is suitable for both hydro and soil growth and sea/screen of green too.
So after 4 months of growing and 2 weeks of drying and curing, you’re finally ready to smoke the Amnesia Haze that has taken you so long to grow.
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