PLAGRON Alga Bloom
Plagron Alga Bloom არის ძირითადი საკვები ნივთიერება, რომელიც შეიქმნა განსაკუთრებით ნიადაგზე მომუშავე კულტივირებისთვის. ნივთიერება გამოიყენება მცენარეების ყვავილობის პერიოდში. ეს სასუქი, რომელიც წყალმცენარეზეა დაფუძნებული, ხელს უწყობს ჯანმრთელი, ძლიერი მცენარეების ჩამოყალიბებასა და უხვმოსავლიანობას.
გამოყენებამდე კარგად შეანჯღრიეთ. დაამატეთ მაქსიმუმ 4 მლ წყალმცენარე Bloom 1 ლიტრ წყალში (1: 250). გამოიყენეთ მცენარის ყვავილობის პერიოდში, მცენარის მორწყვის დროს.
NPK (3-2-5)
Alga Bloom is a basic plant nutrient that was created especially for soil-based cultivation. Alga Bloom is used during the plant’s flowering phase. This fertilizer, which is based on algae, aids in establishing healthy, sound plants that flower profusely.
Dosage and use
Shake well before use. Add a maximum of 4 ml Alga Bloom per 1 liter of water (1:250). Use this solution each time the plants are irrigated during the flowering phase.
NPK fertilizer (3-2-5)
Alga Bloom by Plagron is an organic fertilizer designed for the flowering period.
It contains 100% natural ingredients extracted from algae – perfect for a healthy, flowering cannabis plant.
Some of the ingredients in Alga Bloom’s formula can’t be fully dissolved in water and we don’t recommend using it in automatic watering systems.
When growing in pots and in the ground you can get some spectacular results.
Your plants’ flowers will grow incredibly large thanks to this balanced diet.
Apart from macro-nutrients, it also includes plenty of complex molecules that accelerate your plants’ metabolism.
These molecules are identical to those that your plants synthesize, so they go straight into their system and begin working hard.
Alga Bloom is a base fertilizer for the flowering period; give your plants the perfect macro-nutrients and micro-elements needed to successfully flower without the need of many more products.
If you want them to fatten right up, you can use Green Sensation alongside Alga Bloom about halfway through the flowering period. You can also add some bat guano to the substrate. You’ll be astonished with these organic results.
Dosage and how to use Alga Bloom by Plagron:
- Add 4ml per liter of water during the flowering period every second time you water.
- Stop using about 10 days before harvesting.
NPK 3-2-5
- Beetroot linseed.
- Seaweed extract.
- Amino-acids.