PLAGRON Cocos AB არის კონცენტრირებული, მინერალური, ძირითადი მცენარეული საკვებინივთიერება მცენარის ზრდისა და ყვავილობის პერიოდში. ეს თხევადი სასუქი ადვილად გამოსაყენებელია და შეიცავს ნუტრიენტების დაბალანსებულ ნაზავს, ოპტიმალური შედეგის მისაღწევად. Cocos A&B შეიქმნა განსაკუთრებით კულტივირებისთვის, ყველა სახის გაზრდის მეთოდისთვის.
დოზირება და გამოყენება
1 ლიტრ წყალში დაამატეთ მაქსიმუმ 4 მლ Cocos A (1: 250). Cocos A– სა და Cocos B-ს ყველა გამოყენებისას, გამოიყენეთ ერთი და იგივე რაოდენობა. მიაწოდეთ ეს ხსნარი მცენარეს მორწყვის დროს.
Cocos A
NPK (4-0-1)
კალციუმი (Ca): 4,5%
Cocos B
NPK (1-4-2)
MgO: 2%
Cocos A&B is a highly concentrated mineral basic plant food for use during the plant’s growth and flowering phase. This liquid fertiliser is easy to use and contains a balanced mix of nutrients for optimum results. Cocos A&B was developed especially for cultivation in all kinds of buffered coconut substrates and are universally applicable.
Dosage and use
Add a maximum of 4 ml Cocos A per 1 litre of water (1:250). With every application of Cocos A use the same quantity of Cocos B. Use this combined solution each time the plants are irrigated.
Cocos a
NPK (4-0-1)
Calcium (Ca): 4,5%
Cocos b
NPK (1-4-2)
MgO: 2%
PLAGRON Cocos AB is a liquid and very concentrated, bio mineral base fertiliser for use in plant growth and flowering stages. Coco’s A & B can be used universally on all types and sorts of buffered coco substrates.
The coco range of highly concentrated universal solutions for growth in all varieties of coco mediums
These days, purely organic plant cultivation is no longer an option but a must. Both consumers and the government demand that the agriculture and horticulture sectors adopt an approach that is as natural as possible.
Respect for people and the environment also bear the most fruit: after all, plants and crops simply want to get back to nature.
Throughout its long history, Plagron has specialised in the development of products for optimum natural growth and blooming.
There is now a wide range of environmentally-friendly addictives that provide the best available in the world for your nature. These additives are available to the plant enthusiasts, hobby gardeners and also highly professional cultivators.
It is precisely thanks to a balanced composition of the most naturally pure ingredients that all products bearing the Plagron label have an optimally nutritious, protective and preventative effect.
For virtually all plants, trees, shrubs, cuttings and flowers, Plagron has the products that provide for the most fertile possible environment, a process that starts with you.
We offer the best of nature for each and every culture. If you choose nature,
available in 1 & 5 litre