PLAGRON Sugar Royal
გამოიყენება დასრულებული მცენარის ბუნებრივი გემოსა და არომატის გასამძაფრებლად. ის დამათებითად გამოიყენება სხვა საჭირო საკვებ ნივთიერებებთან. ის ასევე ხელს შეუწყობს მცენარეს ყვავილობის ბერიოდში.
დოზირება და გამოყენება
კარგათ აანჟღრიეთ გამოყენებამდე. დაუმატეთ 2 მლ Sugar Royal 1 ლიტრ წყალში (1:500). მიეცით მცენარეს გაზავებული ხსნარი ერთხელ კვირაში, ყვავილობის პერიოდში.
NPK (8-0-0).
Plagron Sugar Royal is used in plant cultivation for enhancing the natural flavor and taste of the final product. It is an addition to use alongside the basic nutrient. The natural processes of the plant during the flowering period will be supported and challenged by using Sugar Royal.
Dosage and use
Shake well before use. Add a maximum of 2 ml of Sugar Royal per 1 liter of water (1:500). Administer this nutrient solution once a week during the flowering phase.
NPK fertliser (8-0-0).
Sugar Royal is a powerful biological stimulator on the basis of amino acids.
It stimulates the production of chlorophyll and thus the formation of resin / crystals.
These provide the best flavor and taste and efficacy is increased …
Some amino acids used are the same as drought stress in the final weeks of the flowering stage.
Effect Drought stress the plant gets the impression that he shrivels which accelerates afrijpt and protects itself against dehydration by producing more resin / crystal.
Sugar Royal has the same drought stress, benefit without the risk that the plant gets too little water.
The plant will be dependent on the development a week earlier harvested.
We recommend Royal Sugar always combine with Green Sensation. It contains, in contrast to Sugar Royal namely enzymes and phosphorus, and potassium to the fruit make hard and compact. hide
application Promotes the production of resin / crystal.
Best smell and taste
Enhanced efficacy
More Weight
composition, amino acids (alanine, arginine, asparagin, cysteine, glutamines, glycine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, proline, serine, threonine, tryptophan, tyrosine, valine). Organic NPK fertilizer (9-0-0). 8.5% Total nitrogen (N), of which 8.5% organically bound nitrogen. Information for users USA, regarding heavy metals, click here.
Usage use. Up to 2 ml Sugar Royal add per 1 liter of water (1: 500). Pour the nutrient solution to the plant on a weekly basis. Use Royal Sugar from the last two weeks of growth to one week before the end of the flowering stage.