GEASEEDS-Somango is a strain that has a high THC percentage which causes a long-lasting effect. This fast stimulating effect is more cerebral than physical. This strain is ideal to focus on certain tasks, eliminate stress and relax. The most characteristic feature of Somango is its taste, which is extremely sweet and fruity. It has
an unmistakable touch to mango with strawberry notes.
Our Somango comes from a crossing of Somango x Somango. We have selected the most productive and fruity specimens, always seeking to ensure the exotic flavor offered by this strain. It is a tall, branched and robust plant. It produces very resinous spongy aromatic buds. As the flowering period progresses its leaves acquire purple and reddish tones that become accentuated at low temperatures.
It is a fast-flowering strain that will be ready to harvest in 8 or 9 weeks. It produces high quality dense resin covered flowers that can be used by extraction lovers to obtain a unique flavored hashish. Somango is a versatile strain that will easily adapt to any type of grower or crop system, but it normally work better in indoor cultivation.
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