Dutch Passion is a very potent indica-dominant variety with an effect. That makes it the ideal choice for the late evening or shortly before bedtime.
This genetic blend of an autoflowering Mazar-i-Sharif hybrid and Night Queen yields small plants of roughly 1m height. But come harvest time you see she is a big player, 500g/m² are achievable.
A great natural soporific.
The name of this variety is a hint as regards the effect of it. As a result, she is blessed with an end product above average in quality and quantity. Perfectly apt for the end of the day when you simply want to relax and find serenity for a good night’s rest.
Typically stays at a manageable height of around 1m. Making this plant a great choice for growers pushed for space and those who prefer planting their seeds the guerrilla way.
She may be small. But the rich scent of Afghan hash this plant exudes speaks volumes about her true greatness. And she has another ace up her sleeve – she is very productive.
Reared in the controlled environment of a grow room. You can expect a yield of up to 500g/m² 10 weeks after germination. Outdoors a single plant can produce up to 150 grams.
And Auto Night Queen won’t let you down when it comes to the gustatory experience. For sweet spiciness is her second name.