MicroVita 15 Gr
MicroVita 15 Gr By means of different strains of beneficial fungi and bacteria, it ensures protection of plant roots and maximum development, better absorption of nutrients and decomposition of dead matter. In addition, MicroVita contains different types of food-microorganisms that ensure the acceleration of reproduction after inoculation (introduction of live microorganisms into the food medium, soil, animal or plant body). When using MicroVita, the effect is almost immediate. Used both in the soil and can be mixed with irrigation water, it works as a plant nutrient and root stimulator. MicroVita is the richest fertilizer on the market today in terms of microorganisms.
Composition: N-1.1% organic mass-45%, humic acid-20%
Agricultural crops: vegetables, ornamentals, plants, potted flowers
Growing conditions:
Open ground, greenhouse, growbox
Application to the soil: application to the soil once before sowing: pot flowers: 2-5 g/10l soil greenhouse: 20-50 g/100l soil open ground: 0.5-1.5 kg/100m² fertigation: 2-5 g/10l water ( in the second-third week after sowing, repeat in the fifth-sixth week after sowing)
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